It was a Wednesday. It followed a weekend binge that didn‘t stop Sunday night, Monday morning or Tuesday afternoon. I kept calling in sick to work. I couldn’t stop. It would prove to be my last spree. It was a long time in the making. I went to my first Twelve Step meeting when I […]
Breaking the Cycle of Relapse
Mind Jar Meditation
Making Gratitude an Action Word
Book Review-Sane: Mental Illness, Addiction and the Twelve Steps
Dual-diagnosis. Co-occurring disorder. Bipolar alcoholic. That‘s how I’m branded. I used to deal with my alcoholism and bipolar disorder as two separate and distinct issues-intensive step work to deal with alcoholism and mindlessly taking meds for the bipolar disorder. Then four years into my permanent sobriety I got the hair-brained notion (which I regrettably picked […]
Why I Go To So Many Meetings
Why Meds Might Be Appropriate–Concluded
(Note: So I thought I could get away with the last post and just leave everyone hanging. My wife and friends saw it different. I even had someone brave having to leave their email in order to leave a comment. (I have since disabled that requirement and made it easier to comment.)) So now, as Paul […]